St. Joseph Regional Catholic School

Player Years T GP TUH Pts P TU I P% PP20TH
Toan Do 2023 – 2024 2 10 200 275 3 23 - 11.5% 27.50
Clayton Epps 2023 – 2024 2 10 200 725 13 53 - 19.7% 72.50
Reny Servin 2023 – 2024 2 10 200 35 1 2 - 33.3% 3.50
Eyan Sullivan 2023 – 2024 1 5 100 15 1 0 - 100.0% 3.00
Luke White 2023 – 2024 1 5 100 20 0 2 - 0.0% 4.00

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Explanation of Statistics

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