Logan County High School

Player Years T GP TUH Pts P TU I P% PP20TH
Olivia Atkinson 2023 – 2024 2 12 213 220 4 16 0 20.0% 20.66
Hannah Britt 2023 – 2024 3 26 470 110 2 9 2 18.2% 4.68
Brennan Christmas 2023 – 2024 2 18 340 70 3 3 1 50.0% 4.12
Jillian Christmas 2023 – 2024 2 12 203 55 1 4 0 20.0% 5.42
Anistyn Cox 2023 – 2024 1 6 123 10 0 1 0 0.0% 1.63
Natalie Cox 2023 – 2024 3 20 311 240 4 18 0 18.2% 15.43
Kinley Durbin 2023 – 2024 2 10 131 60 0 6 0 0.0% 9.16
Aidan Hughes 2023 – 2024 3 27 510 650 6 58 4 9.4% 25.49
Matthew Taylor 2023 – 2024 3 27 510 1630 45 103 15 30.4% 63.92

If this list contains misspelled names, duplicates, or other inaccurate information, please write to register@naqt.com.

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