Liberty Collegiate Academy

Player Years T GP TUH Pts P TU I P% PP20TH
Diego Alvarado 2023 – 2024 2 9 133 20 0 2 - 0.0% 3.01
Emmanuel Flores 2023 – 2024 2 10 174 110 1 10 1 9.1% 12.64
Hadiel Ibrahim 2023 – 2024 3 19 337 355 4 30 1 11.8% 21.07
Chaniya Long 2023 – 2024 2 12 205 60 2 3 0 40.0% 5.85
Melanie Mozqueda 2023 – 2024 3 18 324 180 1 17 1 5.6% 11.11
Jaharri Potts 2023 – 2024 1 3 32 10 0 1 - 0.0% 6.25
Allison Primero 2023 – 2024 3 16 271 50 0 5 0 0.0% 3.69
Paola Salinas 2023 – 2024 2 7 80 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.00

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Explanation of Statistics

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