2024 High School National Championship Tournament

Round 23: Wayzata A vs. Math, Science, and Engineering at CCNY

Date: Friday, May 24, 2024 – Sunday, May 26, 2024
Host: Atlanta Marriott Marquis (Atlanta, GA)

Round: 23 (packet 23)

Room: Lobby L501

Moderator: Andrew Remenar

Scorekeeper: Sophie Lyman

Time: Sunday, 3:18 p.m. – 3:46 p.m.

Tossups heard: 24

Wayzata A

Result: Win
Points: 445 (370.83 PP20TUH)
Bonus Points: 290 (15 heard; 19.33 PPB)
Player Grade TUH P TU I PP20TUH
Owen Liu12th2400 1 -4.17
Nithin Mendu12th2403 0 25.00
Kevin Qiu10th2415 1 50.00
Sriram Susarla11th2424 0 58.33

Math, Science, and Engineering at CCNY

Result: Loss
Points: 190 (158.33 PP20TUH)
Bonus Points: 100 (8 heard; 12.50 PPB)
Player Grade TUH P TU I PP20TUH
Vidyut Arvind9th2444 2 75.00
Owen Liu Sriram Susarla Nithin Mendu Kevin Qiu Bonus Parts Tossup + Bonus Cumulative Score # Vidyut Arvind Bonus Parts Tossup + Bonus Cumulative Score
  10 0 30 30 1 −5 −5 −5
   100 30 60 2     −5
  10 ✓✓✓ 40 100 3     −5
   100 30 130 4     −5
 10  00 20 150 5     −5
Team Timeout (Math, Science, and Engineering at CCNY)
       150 6 100✓✓ 30 25
   −5 −5 145 7 10✓✓0 30 55
       145 8 1500 25 80
 15  0 35 180 9     80
   1500 25 205 10     80
 10  ✓✓✓ 40 245 11     80
       245 12 10000 10 90
 10  00 20 265 13     90
−5    −5 260 14 0 0 90
  10 ✓✓0 30 290 15     90
   1000 20 310 16     90
   10✓✓✓ 40 350 17     90
       350 18 15✓✓0 35 125
       350 19 15000 15 140
   10✓✓✓ 40 390 20 −5 −5 135
 15  0 35 425 21     135
       425 22 15✓✓✓ 45 180
       425 23 10000 10 190
 10  00 20 445 24     190
Owen Liu Sriram Susarla Nithin Mendu Kevin Qiu Bonus Points   Total Score   Vidyut Arvind Bonus Points   Total Score
24242424    TUH24    
0201     15s 4    
0435     10s 4    
1001     −5s 2    
−5703060    TU Pts90    
155 290   445 Totals90 100   190