2024 High School National Championship Tournament

Round 20: East Brunswick vs. University School of Nashville B (TN)

Date: Friday, May 24, 2024 – Sunday, May 26, 2024
Host: Atlanta Marriott Marquis (Atlanta, GA)

Round: 20 (packet 20)

Room: Room 1118

Moderator: Rebecca Thomas

Scorekeeper: Amy Stephenson

Time: Sunday, 10:43 a.m. – 11:06 a.m.

Tossups heard: 23

East Brunswick

Result: Win
Points: 275 (239.13 PP20TUH)
Bonus Points: 140 (11 heard; 12.73 PPB)
Player Grade TUH P TU I PP20TUH
Kelvin Ni11th2334 0 73.91
Aarav Vasanthan11th2300 0 0.00
Eric Zhu11th2322 0 43.48

University School of Nashville B (TN)

Result: Loss
Points: 130 (113.04 PP20TUH)
Bonus Points: 90 (6 heard; 15.00 PPB)
Player Grade TUH P TU I PP20TUH
Eva Choe10th1201 0 16.67
Evan Giles10th2302 0 17.39
Jackson Green10th2302 2 8.70
Noah Horwitz10th1101 1 9.09
Mason Lack10th1100 0 0.00
Karsen Puzniak9th1200 1 -8.33
Aarav Vasanthan Eric Zhu Kelvin Ni Bonus Parts Tossup + Bonus Cumulative Score # Eva Choe Karsen Puzniak Jackson Green Evan Giles Noah Horwitz Mason Lack Bonus Parts Tossup + Bonus Cumulative Score
 0  0 0 1          0
  0 0 0 2  −5     −5 −5
      0 3    10  00 20 15
      0 4 10     00 20 35
 15 0✓✓ 35 35 5          35
  0 0 35 6  0     0 35
  100✓✓ 30 65 7          35
      65 8   10   ✓✓0 30 65
  1000 20 85 9          65
 10 00 20 105 10          65
  0 0 105 11   0    0 65
  10✓✓✓ 40 145 12          65
      145 13    10  0✓✓ 30 95
 15 000 15 160 14          95
  1500 25 185 15          95
  1500 25 210 16          95
      210 17     10 00 20 115
0   0 210 18   −5    −5 110
  1500 25 235 19          110
Team Timeout (University School of Nashville B (TN))
 10 00 20 255 20          110
      255 21   10   ✓✓0 30 140
  1000 20 275 22   −5    −5 135
  0 0 275 23     −5  −5 130
Aarav Vasanthan Eric Zhu Kelvin Ni Bonus Points   Total Score   Eva Choe Karsen Puzniak Jackson Green Evan Giles Noah Horwitz Mason Lack Bonus Points   Total Score
232323    TUH121223231111    
023     15s 000000    
024     10s 102210    
000     −5s 012010    
05085    TU Pts10−5102050    
135 140   275 Totals40 90   130