2024 High School National Championship Tournament

Round 13: Hanover vs. University School of Nashville B (TN)

Date: Friday, May 24, 2024 – Sunday, May 26, 2024
Host: Atlanta Marriott Marquis (Atlanta, GA)

Round: 13 (packet 13)

Room: Room 401

Moderator: Nicholas Karas

Scorekeeper: Eshan Pant

Time: Saturday, 6:18 p.m. – 6:42 p.m.

Tossups heard: 24

University School of Nashville B (TN)

Result: Loss
Points: 150 (125.00 PP20TUH)
Bonus Points: 90 (6 heard; 15.00 PPB)
Player Grade TUH P TU I PP20TUH
Eva Choe10th1100 1 -9.09
Evan Giles10th2401 0 8.33
Jackson Green10th2423 0 50.00
Noah Horwitz10th1300 1 -7.69
Mason Lack10th1300 0 0.00
Karsen Puzniak9th1100 0 0.00


Result: Win
Points: 240 (200.00 PP20TUH)
Bonus Points: 160 (10 heard; 16.00 PPB)
Player Grade TUH P TU I PP20TUH
Nelson Barabas9th2420 0 25.00
Chris Chor10th2402 2 8.33
Ray Menkov10th2405 2 33.33
Martin Mosdal10th2401 2 0.00
Noah Horwitz Mason Lack Jackson Green Evan Giles Karsen Puzniak Eva Choe Bonus Parts Tossup + Bonus Cumulative Score # Chris Chor Ray Menkov Nelson Barabas Martin Mosdal Bonus Parts Tossup + Bonus Cumulative Score
0      0 0 1  −5   −5 −5
         0 2  10  00 20 15
−5      −5 −5 3    10✓✓0 30 45
  10   0✓✓ 30 25 4        45
 0     0 25 5 −5    −5 40
         25 6  10  ✓✓0 30 70
         25 7   15 ✓✓✓ 45 115
         25 8 10   ✓✓0 30 145
  0    0 25 9    −5 −5 140
  15   00 25 50 10        140
 0     0 50 11    0 0 140
   10  00 20 70 12        140
  0    0 70 13    −5 −5 135
         70 14 10   000 10 145
  15   ✓✓0 35 105 15        145
     −5 −5 100 16  10  ✓✓✓ 40 185
  0    0 100 17 −5    −5 180
         100 18   15 00 25 205
  10   00 20 120 19        205
  0    0 120 20  −5   −5 200
Team Timeout (University School of Nashville B (TN))
         120 21        200
         120 22  10  00 20 220
  10   0 30 150 23        220
         150 24  10  00 20 240
Noah Horwitz Mason Lack Jackson Green Evan Giles Karsen Puzniak Eva Choe Bonus Points   Total Score   Chris Chor Ray Menkov Nelson Barabas Martin Mosdal Bonus Points   Total Score
131324241111    TUH24242424    
002000     15s 0020    
003100     10s 2501    
100001     −5s 2202    
−5060100−5    TU Pts1040300    
60 90   150 Totals80 160   240