Darren Kellis


Organization Location Role Tenure
Northwestern Middle School Milton, GA Player 2019 – 2020
Milton High School Milton, GA Player 2021 – 2024

Individual Awards

Darren Kellis won an All-Star award (36th place) at the 2024 High School National Championship Tournament.


Tournament Date Team TUH P T I P% PP20TUH
2024 High School National Championship Tournament (HSNCT-24) 5/24/2024 Milton 246 7 71 17 9.0% 59.35
Eastside Annual Scholarly Tournament VIII (SSNCT-24) 5/11/2024 Milton 211 23 49 8 31.9% 75.36
GATA Nationals Prep Tournament (SCT-24DII) 4/20/2024 Milton 160 6 43 6 12.2% 61.25
2024 Individual Player National Championship Tournament (IPNCT-24) 4/7/2024 Darren Kellis 326 3 37 13 7.5% 21.47
BATMAN II (IS-227A) 3/16/2024 Milton 180 33 33 9 50.0% 86.67
Phoenix Bowl III (IS-224) 3/9/2024 Milton 160 16 36 9 30.8% 69.38
2023 High School National Championship Tournament (HSNCT-23) 5/26/2023 Milton 199 2 39 6 4.9% 39.20
Eastside Annual Scholarly Tournament VI (SSNCT-23 (packets 1–13)) 5/13/2023 Milton 213 5 62 4 7.5% 63.38
GATA Nationals Prep Tournament (SCT-23DII) 4/22/2023 Milton 141 2 29 11 6.5% 37.59
Phoenix Bowl II (IS-215) 2/18/2023 Milton A 161 4 36 10 10.0% 45.96
Phoenix Bowl I (IS-206) 2/19/2022 Milton 120 2 15 2 11.8% 28.33

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
