Joel Valan


Organization Location Role Tenure
Stanton College Preparatory School Jacksonville, FL Player 2018 – 2022
Stanton College Preparatory School Jacksonville, FL Club Officer 2020 – 2021


Tournament Date Team TUH P T I P% PP20TUH
Florida Gateway High School Open (IS-205A) 11/20/2021 Stanton College Prep B 160 48 49 11 49.5% 144.38
2021 High School National Championship Tournament (HSNCT-21) 5/29/2021 Stanton College Prep B 300 15 24 15 38.5% 26.00
2020 Marauder Invitational (IS-190) 2/22/2020 Stanton College Prep B 135 19 10 3 65.5% 54.81
Battle for the Beach (IS-189A) 11/16/2019 Stanton College Prep B 266 35 18 3 66.0% 51.88
2019 High School National Championship Tournament (HSNCT-19) 5/24/2019 Stanton College Prep B 246 4 33 16 10.8% 25.20
2019 NAQT North Florida State Championship (SCT-19DII) 3/9/2019 Stanton College Prep 184 8 17 10 32.0% 26.09
Battle for the Beach (IS-180A) 1/12/2019 Stanton College Prep B 174 16 17 4 48.5% 44.83

Buzzword Results

Event Game Date Rank # Correct % Correct Average
Std. Dev.
Science Special   9/8/2020 17 / 59 35 70.0% .505 .228 562

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
