Kyle Willett


Organization Location Role Tenure
Carleton College Northfield, MN Player 2001 – 2005
University of Colorado-Boulder Boulder, CO Player 2006 – 2008

Individual Awards

Kyle Willett won an All-Star award (eighth place) at the 2003 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament.


Tournament Date Team TUH P T I P% PP20TUH
2005 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament (ICT-05-DI) 4/8/2005 Carleton College 302 0 29 3 0.0% 18.21
Sectional Championship (SCT-05) 2/5/2005 Carleton College A 267 5 29 5 14.7% 25.47
2004 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament (ICT-04-DI) 4/2/2004 Carleton College 248 3 16 3 15.8% 15.32
Sectional Championship (SCT-04) 2/7/2004 Carleton College 328 3 43 8 6.5% 26.52
2003 Intercollegiate Championship Tournament (ICT-03-DII) 4/4/2003 Carleton College 296 8 48 7 14.3% 38.18

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
