Isaac Oettle


Organization Location Role Tenure
Henderson County High School Henderson, KY Player 2014 – 2017
University of Louisville Louisville, KY Player 2017 – 2018


Tournament Date Team TUH P T I P% PP20TUH
Kentucky Collegiate Novice Invitational (CNS-168C) 9/24/2017 Louisville A 192 18 65 10 21.7% 90.62
2017 High School National Championship Tournament (HSNCT-17) 5/26/2017 Henderson County 296 18 46 11 28.1% 45.61
2017 NAQT Kentucky State Championship (IS-160) 3/4/2017 Henderson County A 240 48 19 12 71.6% 70.83
Class Act High School Invitational (IS-157A) 12/3/2016 Henderson County A 180 33 25 5 56.9% 80.00
Jefferson County Pre-Nationals Invitational (SCT-16DII) 4/23/2016 Henderson County 192 14 31 6 31.1% 51.04
Eastern-Ballard JV Invitational IV (IS-145A) 3/28/2015 Henderson County 200 35 36 8 49.3% 84.50

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
