Jordan Brown


Organization Location Role Tenure
The Westminster Schools Atlanta, GA Player 2011 – 2012
Georgetown University Washington, DC Player 2016 – 2019


Tournament Date Team TUH P T I P% PP20TUH
NAQT Northeast Sectional (SCT-19DII) 2/9/2019 Georgetown B 308 9 17 11 34.6% 16.23
NAQT Mid-Atlantic Sectional (SCT-17DII) 2/4/2017 Georgetown C 226 4 15 3 21.1% 17.26
Georgetown Collegiate Novice Invitational (CNS-161AC) 10/1/2016 Georgetown B 160 6 9 4 40.0% 20.00
2012 Middle School National Championship Tournament (MSNCT-12) 4/21/2012 Westminster B 191 2 11 2 15.4% 13.61

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
