Season 6 Level C Week 6

Region Leaderboard

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# PlayerAwardsGrade # Correct % Correct Average
Std. Dev.
1 John Augustyn Yellow RibbonGold TrophyTop Five Ribbon 9th 32 64.0% .215 .185395
2 Sinecio Morales Green RibbonSilver TrophyBronze Trophy 11th 28 56.0% .269 .240363
3 Davis Aschemann Green RibbonBronze TrophyGreen Ribbon 12th 32 64.0% .059 .105338
4 Grant Koh Green RibbonTop Five RibbonRed Ribbon 10th 26 52.0% .221 .178324
5 Christian Alexandre Green RibbonTop Five RibbonTop Five Ribbon 12th 29 58.0% .113 .145322
6 Harrison Knapp Top Five RibbonRed RibbonTop Ten Ribbon 12th 24 48.0% .184 .198285
7 Jacob Boxerman Top Five RibbonTop Ten RibbonGreen Ribbon 12th 21 42.0% .131 .167240
8 Eli Moog Red RibbonYellow RibbonGreen Ribbon 12th 19 38.0% .052 .060199
9 Dayana Garcia Green RibbonGreen RibbonTop Ten Ribbon 12th 17 34.0% .092 .131187
10 Emma Gottman Green RibbonTop Ten Ribbon 12th 16 32.0% .084 .174175
11 Manola Soudavanh 12th 17 34.0% .006 .102171
12 Lathan Scesny Top Ten RibbonGreen Ribbon 12th 14 28.0% .045 .082147
13 Elaina Smith Top Ten Ribbon 10th 12 24.0% .093 .133133
14 Faith Fierge 12th 13 26.0% .003 .061130
15 Jet Feramisco 9th 12 24.0% .031 .061123
16 Emir Miranda Yellow Ribbon 12th 11 22.0% .101 .342121

Celerity is the fraction of the question that had not been read at the time of a buzz (for which a correct answer was provided). 1.000 is an immediate buzz, .500 is an answer given halfway through the question in terms of time on the sound recording, and .000 is an answer given at the very end.

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