Season 6 Level C Week 1

Region Leaderboard

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# PlayerAwardsGrade # Correct % Correct Average
Std. Dev.
1 Evan Sing Bronze TrophyGold TrophySilver Trophy 12th 45 90.0% .357 .195638
2 Arthur Gayden Top Ten RibbonSilver TrophySilver Trophy 11th 41 82.0% .428 .252615
3 Drew Laroo White RibbonBronze TrophyTop Ten Ribbon 12th 40 80.0% .369 .264570
4 Will Carstens White RibbonTop Five RibbonGold Trophy 11th 38 76.0% .412 .224565
5 Joel Jaskolski Yellow RibbonTop Five RibbonYellow Ribbon 12th 38 76.0% .293 .231505
6 Jude Laskey Green RibbonTop Ten RibbonGreen Ribbon 12th 32 64.0% .339 .220446
7 Liam Cross Green RibbonTop Ten RibbonGreen Ribbon 12th 28 56.0% .463 .289433
8 John Greene Green RibbonTop Ten RibbonGreen Ribbon 12th 34 68.0% .205 .221418
9 Dominic Apap Green RibbonTop Ten RibbonRed Ribbon 10th 35 70.0% .149 .169402
10 Patrick Szendro Green RibbonTop Ten RibbonWhite Ribbon 12th 31 62.0% .229 .200387
11 Anthony Chalhoub Yellow RibbonWhite RibbonYellow Ribbon 11th 29 58.0% .226 .231365
12 Christian Bakkal Green RibbonRed RibbonWhite Ribbon 9th 33 66.0% .096 .167364
13 Nick Murray Green RibbonWhite RibbonYellow Ribbon 9th 28 56.0% .240 .239353
14 Dylan Cregar Green RibbonWhite RibbonWhite Ribbon 9th 30 60.0% .169 .195353
15 Michael Yousif Top Five RibbonTop Ten RibbonGreen Ribbon 12th 22 44.0% .480 .252341
16 Matt Abraham Yellow RibbonYellow Ribbon 12th 26 52.0% .268 .245339
17 Daniel Moore White RibbonWhite RibbonYellow Ribbon 10th 27 54.0% .197 .175331
18 Maddie Baldwin Yellow RibbonYellow RibbonGreen Ribbon 10th 26 52.0% .236 .210327
19 Jacob Barta Red RibbonRed Ribbon 9th 27 54.0% .194 .164327
20 Alex Partlan White RibbonGreen RibbonGreen Ribbon 10th 27 54.0% .195 .161325
21 Oliver Kammeraad Yellow RibbonGreen RibbonTop Ten Ribbon 10th 26 52.0% .184 .178312
22 Ben Yancey Green RibbonGreen Ribbon 9th 27 54.0% .085 .213292
23 Ben Towne Green RibbonGreen Ribbon 9th 23 46.0% .191 .190280
24 Patrick Burke Yellow RibbonGreen Ribbon 9th 21 42.0% .155 .174245
25 Andrew Kil Green Ribbon 11th 19 38.0% .209 .211236
26 Yechiel Gutierrez-Diaz Green Ribbon 9th 21 42.0% .124 .187235
27 Nico Pascual Yellow Ribbon 12th 16 32.0% .280 .249210
28 Drew Cholak 9th 17 34.0% .086 .146187
29 Dominic Aiello 11th 1 100.0% .705 -1.00019

Celerity is the fraction of the question that had not been read at the time of a buzz (for which a correct answer was provided). 1.000 is an immediate buzz, .500 is an answer given halfway through the question in terms of time on the sound recording, and .000 is an answer given at the very end.

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