Season 1 Level A Week 1

Region Leaderboard

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# PlayerAwardsGrade # Correct % Correct Average
Std. Dev.
1 Vardhan Agnihotri Gold TrophyGold TrophyGold Trophy 8th 50 100.0% .497 .230795
2 Aditya Shivaswamy Top Five RibbonTop Five RibbonSilver Trophy 8th 46 92.0% .481 .239724
3 Nikky Nandipati Top Ten RibbonTop Ten RibbonBronze Trophy 8th 45 90.0% .455 .244695
4 Arnav Lahoti Red RibbonTop Ten RibbonTop Five Ribbon 8th 46 92.0% .373 .247665
5 Thomas Edmonds White RibbonYellow RibbonTop Five Ribbon 8th 41 82.0% .424 .238615
6 Kevin Lu White RibbonGreen RibbonTop Ten Ribbon 8th 41 82.0% .394 .229600
7 Vignesh Manjrekar White RibbonTop Five RibbonTop Ten Ribbon 7th 41 82.0% .394 .215600
8 Ozan Demiroglu Yellow RibbonTop Ten RibbonRed Ribbon 8th 43 86.0% .294 .235573
9 Kunal Pikle Green RibbonGold TrophyRed Ribbon 6th 43 86.0% .237 .236549
10 Winston Lin Green RibbonSilver TrophyTop Five Ribbon 6th 40 80.0% .294 .249536
11 George Tagtmeier Bronze TrophyWhite RibbonWhite Ribbon 6th 39 78.0% .246 .238498
12 Jeremy Mau Top Ten RibbonRed RibbonGreen Ribbon 7th 36 72.0% .327 .237495
13 Ananya Nair Top Five RibbonWhite RibbonYellow Ribbon 6th 35 70.0% .324 .247480
14 Andy Li Red RibbonTop Five RibbonYellow Ribbon 6th 35 70.0% .302 .237475
15 Kevin Hong Red RibbonYellow RibbonTop Ten Ribbon 6th 34 68.0% .340 .211473
16 Erin Baumeister White Ribbon 7th 38 76.0% .185 .209461
17 Thomas Whitehurst Yellow RibbonYellow Ribbon 8th 36 72.0% .236 .222460
18 David Hu White RibbonWhite RibbonYellow Ribbon 6th 38 76.0% .161 .213448
19 William Clarke White RibbonYellow RibbonGreen Ribbon 8th 33 66.0% .245 .215420
20 Olivia Cronin Top Ten Ribbon 7th 35 70.0% .144 .173407
21 Nathan Macktinger Green Ribbon 6th 32 64.0% .126 .157363
22 Kellen McConn 7th 32 64.0% .066 .159344
23 Andrew Xuan 7th 23 46.0% .181 .256279

Celerity is the fraction of the question that had not been read at the time of a buzz (for which a correct answer was provided). 1.000 is an immediate buzz, .500 is an answer given halfway through the question in terms of time on the sound recording, and .000 is an answer given at the very end.

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