Season 5 Level A Week 2

Grade Leaderboard

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# PlayerAwardsRegion # Correct % Correct Average
Std. Dev.
1 Max Hodes White RibbonGold TrophyTop Five Ribbon Illinois 46 92.0% .407 .241684
2 Aaron Cartwright Yellow RibbonSilver TrophyGold Trophy Pennsylvania 47 94.0% .338 .267657
3 Cameron Avery Miranda-Radbord Green RibbonBronze TrophySilver Trophy Canada 40 80.0% .456 .257617
4 Sam Wang Top Five RibbonTop Five RibbonWhite Ribbon Pennsylvania 41 82.0% .398 .294605
5 Braden Boutwell Gold TrophyTop Ten RibbonTop Ten Ribbon Florida 44 88.0% .320 .203603
6 Andrew Meche Gold TrophyTop Five RibbonTop Ten Ribbon Louisiana 40 80.0% .286 .243532
7 Jonas Asplund Top Ten RibbonGreen RibbonTop Ten Ribbon Minnesota 38 76.0% .232 .222482
8 Bella Seppanen Gold TrophyGreen RibbonTop Ten Ribbon Michigan 34 68.0% .179 .234407
9 Cade Seay Silver TrophyTop Ten Ribbon Oklahoma 30 60.0% .182 .195362
10 Lily Dilbeck Bronze TrophyTop Ten Ribbon Oklahoma 26 52.0% .218 .241324

Celerity is the fraction of the question that had not been read at the time of a buzz (for which a correct answer was provided). 1.000 is an immediate buzz, .500 is an answer given halfway through the question in terms of time on the sound recording, and .000 is an answer given at the very end.

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