Season 4 Level D Week 1

Grade Leaderboard

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# PlayerAwardsRegion # Correct % Correct Average
Std. Dev.
1 Guy Indorante Gold TrophyGold TrophyGold Trophy Illinois 42 84.0% .441 .221644
2 Amogh Kulkarni Silver TrophySilver TrophyGold Trophy Minnesota 41 82.0% .389 .241597
3 Joel Miles Top Five RibbonBronze TrophyGold Trophy Missouri 42 84.0% .255 .213539
4 Ayog Prasad Top Ten RibbonTop Five RibbonGold Trophy Kentucky 34 68.0% .359 .257481
5 Louis Li Top Ten RibbonTop Five RibbonBronze Trophy Missouri 37 74.0% .262 .240481
6 Jackson Raich Top Ten RibbonTop Ten RibbonTop Five Ribbon Kentucky 37 74.0% .262 .247480
7 Owen Kovalik Yellow RibbonGold TrophyBronze Trophy Ohio 35 70.0% .200 .195426
8 Alexander Clarke Yellow RibbonGold TrophySilver Trophy Arizona 32 64.0% .274 .225420
9 Zaid Siddiqui Yellow RibbonSilver TrophyTop Five Ribbon Michigan 31 62.0% .295 .246415
10 Henry Huschke Top Ten RibbonTop Ten RibbonYellow Ribbon Michigan 25 50.0% .128 .201284
11 Tate Smith Gold TrophyGreen RibbonGreen Ribbon Mississippi 22 44.0% .082 .103238
12 Jaemin Byeon Yellow RibbonSilver TrophyGreen Ribbon Mississippi 21 42.0% .046 .132220
13 Michael Roycht White Ribbon Michigan 19 38.0% .131 .157218
14 Ahmed Pasha Yellow RibbonBronze Trophy Mississippi 18 36.0% .082 .195196

Celerity is the fraction of the question that had not been read at the time of a buzz (for which a correct answer was provided). 1.000 is an immediate buzz, .500 is an answer given halfway through the question in terms of time on the sound recording, and .000 is an answer given at the very end.

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