Season 3 Level C Week 8

Grade Leaderboard

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# PlayerAwardsRegion # Correct % Correct Average
Std. Dev.
1 Ian Lu Bronze TrophyGold TrophyGold Trophy New York 45 90.0% .407 .263664
2 Adithya Madduri Top Ten RibbonSilver TrophyGold Trophy Tennessee 47 94.0% .274 .209616
3 Arthur Gayden Top Ten RibbonGold TrophyBronze Trophy Michigan 43 86.0% .354 .270606
4 Lukas Koutsoukos Red RibbonTop Five RibbonGold Trophy Connecticut 45 90.0% .259 .204582
5 Sam Henshaw White RibbonTop Five RibbonGold Trophy South Carolina 44 88.0% .248 .196562
6 Max Yang White RibbonGold TrophyTop Ten Ribbon Missouri 40 80.0% .318 .268550
7 Jacob Hardin-Bernhardt Yellow RibbonTop Ten RibbonTop Ten Ribbon New York 36 72.0% .386 .216523
8 Ryan Presler Green RibbonGold TrophyTop Five Ribbon South Dakota 42 84.0% .220 .171519
9 Ananya Bukkapatnam Green RibbonWhite RibbonYellow Ribbon California 41 82.0% .203 .209505
10 Will Carstens Top Five RibbonSilver TrophyTop Ten Ribbon Michigan 32 64.0% .300 .247433
11 Costas Pavlou Top Ten RibbonTop Ten RibbonTop Ten Ribbon Michigan 30 60.0% .375 .301430
12 Arsh Suri Gold TrophyYellow RibbonGreen Ribbon Georgia 30 60.0% .327 .268414
13 Nathan Sprouse Top Five Ribbon Virginia 23 46.0% .059 .093242
14 Julia Fleming Silver TrophyGreen Ribbon Alabama 24 48.0% .004 .013240
15 Daniel Flores Yellow RibbonTop Ten Ribbon Illinois 20 40.0% .113 .131223
16 Jodi Lake Top Five Ribbon Alabama 7 14.0% .033 .10672

Celerity is the fraction of the question that had not been read at the time of a buzz (for which a correct answer was provided). 1.000 is an immediate buzz, .500 is an answer given halfway through the question in terms of time on the sound recording, and .000 is an answer given at the very end.

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