Season 2 Popular Culture Week 4

Grade Leaderboard

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# PlayerAwardsRegion # Correct % Correct Average
Std. Dev.
1 William Golden Top Five RibbonGold TrophyGold Trophy Texas 43 86.0% .324 .225591
2 Mazin Omer Top Ten RibbonSilver TrophyGold Trophy Massachusetts 42 84.0% .325 .219581
3 Tomás Aguilar-Fraga Red RibbonBronze TrophyGold Trophy California 44 88.0% .265 .207570
4 Collin Ace White RibbonTop Five RibbonGold Trophy New Jersey 41 82.0% .287 .236548
5 Sean Doyle White RibbonGold TrophyTop Five Ribbon Pennsylvania 42 84.0% .252 .192539
6 Simon Sweeney Yellow RibbonGold TrophyTop Ten Ribbon Pennsylvania 38 76.0% .308 .226517
7 Beni Keown Yellow RibbonTop Five RibbonRed Ribbon Illinois 41 82.0% .227 .202515
8 Sebastian Torres Yellow RibbonGold TrophyWhite Ribbon Connecticut 43 86.0% .167 .238511
9 Ellis Zehnder Green RibbonSilver TrophyWhite Ribbon Massachusetts 38 76.0% .287 .196503
10 Darren Petrosino Green RibbonWhite RibbonYellow Ribbon New Jersey 35 70.0% .282 .226464
11 Pranav Veluri Red RibbonRed RibbonWhite Ribbon Indiana 35 70.0% .262 .224454
12 Connor Hibbard Gold TrophyBronze TrophyYellow Ribbon New York 36 72.0% .227 .191449
13 Parth Jagtap Red RibbonGreen RibbonBronze Trophy Canada 31 62.0% .293 .274417
14 Abbey Wilson Bronze TrophyTop Five Ribbon Canada 34 68.0% .188 .244413
15 Andrew Hanna Gold TrophyYellow Ribbon Tennessee 35 70.0% .150 .210407
16 Brandon Torralba Silver Trophy Minnesota 23 46.0% .145 .192268

Celerity is the fraction of the question that had not been read at the time of a buzz (for which a correct answer was provided). 1.000 is an immediate buzz, .500 is an answer given halfway through the question in terms of time on the sound recording, and .000 is an answer given at the very end.

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